We count on your support!
The purpose of the Endowment Foundation "Nadačního fondu pro vzdělávací aktivity" is to support the development of professional, human and ethical education for both the youth and adults in the Czech Republic. All current and future projects of the Foundation are designed as non-profit; all revenues are used for its activities. The Endowment Foundation is supported by donations, wills, and contributions of legal and private persons.
The Endowment Foundation for Educational Activities works as a non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible at the end of the year. We will be more than welcome to give a proof of receiving your donations. Every donation is gratefully accepted.
Account Holder:
Nadační fond pro vzdělávací aktivity, Pětidomí 165 / 4, CZ 160 00 Praha 6 - Bubeneč
Bank account:
Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, CZ - 11721 Praha 1, BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX
CZK : IBAN: CZ0520100000002701298873
EUR : IBAN: CZ6520100000002201298877
Donations large and small allow for the funding of the developing educational projects for the youth. With a testamentary disposition for the foundation, you can make a valuable contribution to the future of the organization. We are grateful for any and all donations.
Some people want to support the educational work of the Foundation for the benefit of young people, even after their death. Thanks to this inheritance, we are able to finance projects that would otherwise not be feasible.
The Endowment Fund is exempt from inheritance and gift tax. The value of the inheritance or donation can thus be used in its entirety for a specific purpose at the donor's will.
We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information in a personal non-binding interview.. Contact us